The product's three core nutrients are perfectly matched to complement or synergize with each other.

Triangles represent stability, attack, defense, and restoration, and the triangular combination means the same thing. On the doctrine of aging in the doctrine of free radicals to analyze, Ameri-Vita proposed the Triangular Combination - attack, defense, and restoration: attack, active removal of free radicals, eliminating intrinsic and externally generated free radicals, to avoid the cell being attacked and aging; Defense strengthens the antioxidant properties of the cellular periphery and reduces the attack of free radicals; Restoration, which is repair, removes aged and dead cells, promotes cell renewal, and repairs damaged tissues.
A New Breakthrough in fat-burning Ingredients.

Dr Julien Cases, founder of Fytexia, discovered that Mediterranean citrus is rich in bioactive polyphenols that could be used in weight management research. To confirm this idea, he collaborated with several polyphenol researchers and Ph. D.s in nutrition and metabolism. Finally, he chose Mediterranean citrus, grapefruit, and guarana fruit as the main ingredients and invented Sinetrol® Citrus Polyphenols, a breakthrough fat-burning ingredient that breaks new ground in the weight management industry.

Оxxуneа is extracted from fruits and vegetables and naturally retains their nutrients, containing a wide range of vitamins and minerals that supplement the body's daily nutritional requirements and balance the body's nutrition. Оxxуneа's unique antioxidant properties provide the body with antioxidant stress protection and antioxidant metabolism that lasts up to 24 hours.